Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Titus is at home

Titus is finally at home in the classroom. He has his little heat lamp, and is pretty happy. He was not happy at all when I had to walk from my car into the school... It was very windy. He went nuts and was scrambling all over his cage. Also, the wind was blowing in my direction so the urticating hairs that are left around his cage blew pretty much into my face. You don't get the effect that you would if the hairs were kicked at you, but my nose is very sensitive to the hairs. My siniuses were in pain for the rest of the day, but it was worth it to get Titus settled =] I'm hopeing he will molt soon! I can't wait until this guy gets big!


  1. "urticating hairs" What the heck are these! If I were to draw the connection between the mammalian pet fur and a spider's "urticating hairs" would that be correct?

    Well, I am glad that Titus is in his home. I look forward to watching him grow....(I can't believe I wrote that...).


  2. Urticating hairs are hairs that are on certian species of Tarantula's abdomens that they kick into the face of an enemy when threatened. They are actually more bristlelike and do not grow like mamalian hairs, instead are attached to the body and molt with the spider They are very itchy if they come in contact with skin, and can be damaging if you get them in your eyes.

  3. OK now that makes sense as to why your sinuses were irritated. I thought being a big hairy spider with the potential to bite was defense enough, but it seems that they have a number of ways they protect themselves. Thanks.

  4. Haha. Well The Tarantulas with the urticating hairs are the ones with the very weak venom. Comparable to a bee sting. The ones without the hairs are the ones you have to watch out for =P
